Showing 1–12 of 19 results

12 Steps to Leadership Excellence


12 Steps to Leadership Excellence

Course Fee: Pakistani Student: 30,000 PKR (First Batch Discount of 10,000 PKR)

International Student: Fee: $200 / participant (31,200 PKR)

Academic English Writing

English Academic Writing

Artificial Intelligence in Education


Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIE)

Course Fee: Pakistani Student: 40,000 PKR (Early bird discount) Till June 10, 2024 50,000 PKR

International Student: $170 (47,000 PKR) (Early bird discount) Till June10, 2024 $200 (60,000 PKR) 

Artificial Intelligence in Leadership


Artificial Intelligence in Leadership (AIL)

Course Fee: Pakistani Student: 40,000 PKR (Early bird discount) Till Feb 15, 2025 50,000 PKR

International Student: $170 (47,000 PKR) (Early bird discount) Till Feb 15, 2025 $200 (60,000 PKR) 

Artificial Intelligence in Research (AIR)


Artificial Intelligence in Research (AIR)

Course Fee: Pakistani Student: 50,000 PKR

International Student: Fee: $200 / participant (60,000 PKR)

Certificate in Clinical Research

This course is intended for clinicians, academicians, trainees, and students who intend to conduct clinical research. The course is made

Certificate in Medical Editing and Journalism

Health science journals are an important element in health systems. Available Payment Terms: Full Payment = PKR 65,000/- 2 Installments = PKR 35000/- at registration and 35,000 in the first week of the third month

Certificate in Minimally Invasive Surgery

Hone your skills in Laparoscopic surgery The CIMS course aims to provide surgeons (residents or practicing) with the knowledge and

Certificate in Online and Distance Education (CODE)

Certificate in Online and Distance Education

Certificate in Patient-Physician Communication

Certificate in Patient-Physician Communication

Certificate in Qualitative Research Methods (CQRM)


Certificate in Qualitative Research Methods (CQRM)